Fact-check Ghana


New Variants of Coronavirus: Here’s What You Need to Know

In late December 2020, about a year after the first case of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) was recorded in Wuhan, China, new variants have...

Was Speaker of Parliament Alban Bagbin Selected Through Votes or Consensus?

Controversies have emerged in the news media and social media platforms in the last few days on whether the Speaker of Parliament, Rt. Hon....

Remdesivir is NOT a COVID-19 Vaccine; Not for Use Only in Africa

In the last few days, claims that the anti-viral medication, Remdesivir, is a COVID-19 vaccine being tested only in Africa has emerged. This claim which...

List of Female Parliamentarians and their Constituencies in Ghana’s 8th Parliament

The life of Ghana’s 8th Parliament of the 4th Republic commenced on January 7, 2021. The house has a four-year mandate which is expected...

MFWA Rolls Out Phase Two of COVID-19 Fact-Checking Initiative

Ghana’s COVID-19 cases are on a steep rise with an average of about 600 new cases being recorded each day since the last fortnight....

Fake! Parliament House has NOT Hanged John Mahama’s Photo as President of Ghana

Following the election of the Former MP of Nadowli Kaleo, Alban Bagbin, as Speaker of Parliament on January 7, a photo has emerged on...

Ghana’s 8th Parliament of the 4th Republic: List of Leaders, Members and their Constituencies

On January 7, 2021, 275 elected Members of Parliament were sworn into Office for a four-year term, forming the 8th Parliament of the Fourth...

November Roundup: Big Debate about Who Initiated Free SHS Settled, Claim about Planting for Food and Jobs Fact-checked

November was a busy month as Ghana’s 8th general elections was taking shape with presidential candidates of political parties crisscrossing the country campaigning, outdoing...

October Round-Up: Debunking Ghana’s HIPC Status; Exploring GDP Growth Rate Under Mahama and Akufo-Addo

In the Month of October, the issues that took center stage in Ghana’s political discourse bothered more about the economy. These issues also gained...

How Fact-Check Ghana Combated Fake News in Ghana’s Election 2020

In Ghana, presidential and parliamentary elections are the height of all political activities. The electioneering period is characterized by intensive media campaigns and debates,...

False! Anas is NOT Screening an Exposé on Election 2020

A number of artworks and commentaries have emerged and are going viral on various social media platforms suggesting that renowned Investigated Journalist, Anas Aremeyaw...

Fake! BBC has not Reported on the Use of Military in Ghana’s Elections

A photo with a news headline “Ghana's peaceful election dented for the first time. Opposition refuses to accept the largely flawed election" which is...

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